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Government Data Practices Act

The Government Data Practices Act ( Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13) presumes that all government data collected and maintained by the City are public unless otherwise classified by statute, temporary classification, or federal law as private or confidential with respect to data on individuals, or as non-public or protected non-public concerning data not on individuals. Government data is a term that means all recorded information a government entity has, including, paper, email, DVDs, photographs, etc.  

The Data Practices Section of the Minnesota Data Practices Act describes the procedures for requesting access to government data gathered by the City and the rights of data subjects. The City acknowledges the need to remain open and accountable to the public in maintenance of its files and records while also protecting the privacy rights of specific individuals and continuing the orderly and efficient operation of city government.

Data are classified by state law as public, private, or confidential:

  Public Data: We must give public data to anyone who asks. It doesn't matter who is asking for the data or why they want it. 
    Example of Public Data: Name of an applicant for a City license

  Private Data: We can't give private data to the general public, but the subject may have access to private data when the data
  is about them. We can share private data with that subject, with someone who has their permission, with our government
  entity staff who have a work assignment to see the data, and to others as permitted by law or court order. 
    Example of Private Data: Subscription list for entity's periodic publications

  Confidential Data: This data has the most protection. Neither the public nor the subject can get access. We can share
  confidential data with our government entity staff who have a work assignment to see the data, and to others as permitted by
  law or court order. 
    Example of Confidential Data - MS 13.41, Subd. 3. Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training active investigative data
    relating to the investigation of complaints against any licensee

City of Hoyt Lakes Data Practices Policies

The City has adopted the following Data Practices Policy for the Public and Data Practices Policy: Requests for Data About You and Your Rights as a Data Subject to describe the procedure for requesting access to data including: how data requests are made, possible fees, identity verification standards and how the City responds to a data request.

To make a data request please review the applicable policy, complete and submit the applicable Data Request Form to the City Clerk's Office, 206 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Hoyt Lakes, MN 55750. Please call (218) 225-2344 with questions.

Data Practices Policy: Requests for Data About You and Your Rights as a Data Subject


Data Practices Policy for the Public

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