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2024 Election Dates

City of Hoyt Lakes Residents vote on Election Day at the Hoyt Lakes Arena, 7 AM - 8 PM

**Curbside voting is available on Election Day for voters**

Presidential Nomination Primary  (PNP) Election:
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
 Primary Election:
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 
General Election:
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Absentee Ballots available
January 19 - March 4, 2024
Absentee Ballots available 
June 28 - August 12, 2024
Absentee Ballots available
September 20 - November 4, 2024
Voter pre-registration deadline is February 13, 2024 Voter pre-registration deadline is 
July 23, 2024
Voter pre-registration deadline is 
October 15, 2024

Absentee Voting and Registration Information
Absentee voting is available at the City Clerk's Office, 206 Kennedy Memorial Drive

Absentee Voting How do I/Am I Registered to Vote?
How do I vote Absentee? Register/Update Registration Online
Apply for Absentee Ballot Online  Voter Registration Form (mail to State)
August 13th Primary & November 5th General Elections Absentee Ballot Paper Application - mail to City Hall What do I need to bring to register on Election Day?

Districts for Hoyt Lakes

Congressional: 8 County Commissioner: 04
MN Senate: 03 Judicial: 06
MN House: 03A School: Mesabi East 2711

 City Council Elections:

The City of Hoyt Lakes holds elections every two years on the even year.  Mayor is a two year term; Councilor is a four year term. Two of the four Council positions alternate elections every two years. 

Open Positions for 2024 General Election: Mayor and 2 Council.

Election Day Polling Place:    Hoyt Lakes Arena 

Election Day Voting Hours:    7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Absentee Voting Location:     Hoyt Lakes City Hall

Absentee Ballots Available:   PNP - January 19 through March 4, 2024; Primary Election - June 28 through August 12, 2024 ; General Election - September 20 through November 4

Primary Election Absentee Voting Hours
 10 AM - 4 PM Monday, 7:30 AM - 4 PM Tuesday through Thursday, and 7:30 - 11:30 AM Friday.
        Also open 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM the Saturday before Election Day and until 5:00 PM the Monday before Election Day.

Please call the City Clerk's Office with any questions about elections or voting at (218) 225-2344 or
scroll down to access links for frequently asked questions.  

Filing for City Office - Mayor and Council

Filing for City Office for the General Election on November 5, 2024 will open July 30th until August 13th at 5:00 PM for the following:
              Mayor - Two year term

              Three Councilor - 2 Four year term & 1 Special Two year term

Affidavits of Candidacy and a $2.00 filing fee can be filed at the City Clerk’s Office, 206 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Hoyt Lakes. Candidate informational packets will be available starting July 30th at the City Clerk's Office, by calling (218) 225-2344, or by emailing the Deputy Clerk.  

More Information on Becoming a Candidate including: filing, campaigning and financial reporting requirements.


Campaign Financial Report Certification of Filing - Click on Candidate name to view Certificate of Filing   

 2022  2020  



 Frequently Asked Questions:

Click HERE for Minnesota's official voter resource provided by the Office of the Secretary of State.  Most election questions can be answered by visiting this website.  However, if you need more detailed information please contact the City Clerk's Office at (218) 225-2344.  

Am I eligible to vote in Minnesota?

Am I already registered to vote in Minnesota?

How do I register to vote online? Click HERE to print and mail in form. 

Can I register at the Polling Place on Election Day?

What is Absentee Voting?
   Request an Absentee ballot online or click HERE to print and mail in Absentee Ballot Application.  
   Residents are able to vote Absentee by mail or in person at the City Clerks Office. Please call (218) 225-2344 with Questions

Online Frequently Asked Questions 

Presidential Nomination Primary Election (PNP)
Information below is from the Secretary of State website

What is the Presidential Nomination Primary Election? The purpose of the PNP is for voters who identify with a major political party to vote for a presidential candidate who they wish for their party to nominate as the candidate for the November State General Election. 

What offices will appear on the ballot? Only the presidential candidates from a major party will appear on the presidential primary ballot. Other offices with a primary will be on the primary ballot in August. 

Will all parties participate in the presidential primary? No, only major parties will participate.

Who determines who is on the PNP ballot? The major political party.

Will all parties be on the same ballot? No, each participating major party will have a separate ballot. 

How will I be able to vote in the presidential primary? Registered voters will be able to vote at their polling place on the PNP day or by absentee ballot. A voter must request the ballot of the party of their choice when signing the roster.

What if I don't want to select a party to get a ballot? If a voter refuses to select a party, they will not be able to vote in the presidential primary. 

Will other people know which party's ballot I request? A voter's choice of party ballot will be recorded and is private data. However, a list will be provided to the chair of each major political party of voters who selected that party. How a voter voted on the ballot will be secret. 

If I pick a party ballot at the PNP do I have to always vote that party? No, ballot preference selection at the PNP does not obligate a voter to vote in line with a particular party in future elections. 

Will parties have to abide by the primary results? The presidential primary results must bind the election of delegates in each party.

Will there still be precinct caucuses? Yes precinct caucuses and local and state nominating conventions will still take place to conduct other party business. 


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