Faith Lutheran Church 301 Kennedy Memorial Drive Hoyt Lakes, MN 55750
Pastor: Rev. Charles Barnes Church: (218) 225-2715 Email: faithluthern@frontier.com Website: faithlutheranhoytlakes.com Facebook: Sunday Worship: 10 - 11:15 am Sunday School: Call for information
Our Lady of Hope Parish 16 West 5th Avenue North Aurora, MN 55705
Pastor: FR. Kristoffer McKusky Deacon: Mark Skala Church: (218) 229-3210 Website: www.olhp.org Visit website for Weekend and Weekday Masses
Trinity United Methodist Church Kennedy Memorial Drive & Hampshire Drive Hoyt Lakes, MN 55750
Pastor: Mary Lou Sixberry Pastor: (218) 750-2154 Church: (218) 225-2595 Sunday Worship: 11:15 AM Coffee Fellowship: Following Worship