The Main Arena and Multi-purpose Room are available for meetings, parties, wedding receptions, etc. 102 Kennedy Memorial Drive
2025 Open Skate Fees | 2025 Men's No-Check Fees | 2025 Misc. Fees |
$5 daily per person | $10 daily per person | $110 Ice Time per hour |
Under 5 free | $110 season per person | $1100 Tournament Fee per weekend |
$60 season per person |
Skate Sharpening
Skate sharpening is available for a fee. Ask for Wayde West.
Mesabi East Youth Hockey
The Mesabi East Youth Hockey Association (MEYHA) takes pride in the opportunity to provide our area youth with the ability to participate in Minnesota's most historical sport. Here, players learn the fundamentals for hockey as well as the life long lessons of teamwork, good sportsmanship, respect for authority and self-discipline all while staying physically fit. Parents and players enjoy the quality time spent with their families and the life long friendships that are formed!
Our program includes Termites (learn to skate), Mini-Mites, Mites, Squirts. After Squirts, players combine with Rock Ridge Youth Hockey Association to include Girls 8U, 10U, 12U; and Peewees, Bantams, and Junior Gold! Please reach out to a Board Member for more information about our program!
Visit the website for more information and view photos of our awesome Youth Hockey teams in action!!
Good Luck Mesabi East Giants & Rock Ridge Wolverine Players!!