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Blandin Foundation

Are you committed to growing the health and vibrancy of the East Range Area? The Blandin Foundation is a private independent foundation based in Grand Rapids. Its mission is to strengthen rural Minnesota communities through grants, leadership programs, and public policy initiatives.

Becky Adams, Recruitment Coordinator
Blandin Leadership Programs
877-882-2257 ext. 736

Boy Scouts of America

Voyageurs Area Council
(218) 729-5811

Channel 2 Public Access

Steve Rahkola (320) 292-2000
Mesabi Community Television

East Range Sportsman & Conservation Club

President - Jon Stordahl
Vice President - Cliff Griffin
Treasurer - Gyle Swentik          
Membership - Gyle Swentik    
Secretary - Maggie Swentik   

Clubhouse: (218) 994-1367

Facebook: East Range Sportsmen's & Conservation Club

Click Here for Membership Application

Monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday: April - October at 7:00 p.m. at the Range Clubhouse.
                                                             November - March at 6:00 p.m. at the VFW

Girl Scouts Troop #1801 

Click for more information on Girls Scouts Lakes & Pines Chapter 

Hoyt Lakes Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 429, Hoyt Lakes MN 55750

President - James Kramar
Vice President - Brian Radtke
Secretary - Sue Shimmin
Treasurer - Cathy Bartholomew

Meetings on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m at the Hoyt Lakes VFW Club. 

Hoyt Lakes Community Garden

Free lots are available. Contact Dale Whitehouse at (218) 225-0373.

Hoyt Lakes Garden Club

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from April through September at 6 p.m., Hoyt Lakes VFW

President - Doug Guiley
Vice President - Tim Jacobson
Secretary / Treasurer - LaDonna Jacobson


The Hoyt Lakes Garden Club began in 1985. It is a group of 20 volunteers that have made their City the Garden City of the Iron Range. These ambitious volunteers plant 85 planters and gardens each Spring. The planters are placed around the shopping center and government buildings. The beautiful gardens are located along the walking paths, at the golf course and Fisherman's Point Campground.

While enjoying a walk on one of our many walking trails, stop at the Memorial Garden arbor near the arena to relax and enjoy the aroma and view of the many varieties of flowers planted in the gardens there.

 Hoyt Lakes Senior Center

Business Meeting  are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12:30 pm.

President - Vickie Burdick 
Vice President - Karen Hunt
Treasurer/Secretary - Norma Forsman         

Hoyt Lakes Water Carnival Committee

President - Dan Darbo                               (218) 750-0495
Vice President - Nikki Swanson                 (218) 393-2185
Secretary - Cherie Grams                          (218) 780-6144
Treasurer - Connor Michels                       (218) 996-1143                         
Parade Chairman - Shannon Alaspa         (218) 290-2495            
Softball - Brad Carlson                              (218) 780-7248
Miss Hoyt Lakes - Kristen Larson              (218) 410-1898
Little Miss Hoyt Lakes - Chloe Benson      (218) 750-2258
Turtle Races - Rachel Benda                     (218) 750-3014
Bean Bags - Brad Carlson                         (218) 780-7248
Golf Tournament - Dan Darbo                    (218) 750-0495

Please visit for more information.

Mesabi East Youth Hockey Board

President - Lindsey Sova                                                   (612) 703-1544 
Vice President - Garrett Mirau                                            (218) 780-4953
Secretary - Eric Dinsmore                                                  (218) 290-9010
Treasurer - Kim Wolner                                                      (218) 780-8760
Equipment Manager - Katie Dinsmore                               (651) 675-8142
Scheduling - Kathy Undeland                                             (218) 742-2203
Registrar - Leah Nielson                                                     (651) 248-2664

Please visit for more information.

Ranger Snowmobile / ATV Club

PO Box 432, Hoyt Lakes, MN 55750

President - Roy Beauregard           
Vice President - Todd Frey             
Treasurer - Chris Cromley                        
Secretary - Rick Randa                 
Trail Coordinator - Bob Turk              
Membership - John Anderson          
Safety/Training Officer - Brian Chapman

Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm, Hoyt Lakes VFW.

SOAR (Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees) Chapter 33-4, 4108

President - Ed Casey  
Vice President - Pam Belange
Secretary/Treasurer - George Brown
Trustees: Elroy Rafferty / Robert Kahldahl / Don Belange / Clair Lundberg

Meetings are held the 3rd Friday of every month at 10:00 a.m., Aurora Community Center - potluck follows the meetings. Membership is open to former LTV workers, retirees and spouses.

Timothy Robinson VFW Post 8144 

Commander - Rob Ronning
Senior Vice Commander - Charles Cossette
Quartermaster - Jacob Berndt
Post Chaplain - Gerald Pellinen
Adjutant - Mary Thompson
Service Officer - Charles Cossette

Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m., Hoyt Lakes VFW.  Phone: (218) 225-2455

Timothy Robinson VFW Post 8144 Auxiliary

President - Amy Miller
Senior Vice President - Denise Trast
Junior Vice President - Emma Swanson
Secretary - Cathy Bartholomew
Treasurer - Rick Randa
Conductress - Cherie Grams
Chaplin - Nikki Swanson
Patriotic Instructor - Michelle Metzer-Nehl

Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m., Hoyt Lakes VFW.  Phone: (218) 225-2455

TOPS #MN 702 

Linda Marafiot  (218) 780-5729

Meetings are held every Wednesday at the Youth Center in the lower half of the Community Building.

Weigh in 8:15 - 8:45 a.m., meeting at 9:00 a.m.

Up North Quilt Guild

President - Anna May Smith    (218) 780-3593 

Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Mondays from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Hoyt Lakes Community Building.


Website by Go Ask Rob, LLC

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